

Exclusive Launch Offer

Exclusive Launch Offer

Exclusive Launch Offer

Start your digital loyalty program with Mahalle App at special launch prices.

Boost customer loyalty, increase your revenue, and stay unaffected by future price hikes.

Start your digital loyalty program with Mahalle App at special launch prices.

Boost customer loyalty, increase your revenue, and stay unaffected by future price hikes.



20% Discount




Enjoy all the features of the Pro Plan for free.


  • Women Entrepreneurs Offering Local Products

  • Women Entrepreneurs Producing Handmade Goods

  • Non-Profit Organizations

  • Social Impact-Focused Businesses







Access all current and future features with a single price.

One Plan, All Features:

  • Create a Loyalty Card

  • Unlimited Customers

  • Unlimited Stamps

  • Track All Transactions in Real-Time

  • Add Staff or Devices

  • No Hidden Fees or Contracts

  • Cancel Anytime



A comprehensive loyalty system for all your branches and teams.

In addition to all Pro features:

  • Reward Program for All Your Branches

  • Tailored Professional Solutions

  • Easy Management for Chain Businesses

  • Stamping Without Phones or Tablets

  • Web Panel Support

  • Detailed Reporting

  • Advanced Analytics



20% Discount




Enjoy all the features of the Pro Plan for free.


  • Women Entrepreneurs Offering Local Products

  • Women Entrepreneurs Producing Handmade Goods

  • Non-Profit Organizations

  • Social Impact-Focused Businesses







Access all current and future features with a single price.

One Plan, All Features:

  • Create a Loyalty Card

  • Unlimited Customers

  • Unlimited Stamps

  • Track All Transactions in Real-Time

  • Add Staff or Devices

  • No Hidden Fees or Contracts

  • Cancel Anytime



A comprehensive loyalty system for all your branches and teams.

In addition to all Pro features:

  • Reward Program for All Your Branches

  • Tailored Professional Solutions

  • Easy Management for Chain Businesses

  • Stamping Without Phones or Tablets

  • Web Panel Support

  • Detailed Reporting

  • Advanced Analytics



20% Discount




Enjoy all the features of the Pro Plan for free.


  • Women Entrepreneurs Offering Local Products

  • Women Entrepreneurs Producing Handmade Goods

  • Non-Profit Organizations

  • Social Impact-Focused Businesses







Access all current and future features with a single price.

One Plan, All Features:

  • Create a Loyalty Card

  • Unlimited Customers

  • Unlimited Stamps

  • Track All Transactions in Real-Time

  • Add Staff or Devices

  • No Hidden Fees or Contracts

  • Cancel Anytime



A comprehensive loyalty system for all your branches and teams.

In addition to all Pro features:

  • Reward Program for All Your Branches

  • Tailored Professional Solutions

  • Easy Management for Chain Businesses

  • Stamping Without Phones or Tablets

  • Web Panel Support

  • Detailed Reporting

  • Advanced Analytics

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for in this section, feel free to contact us anytime.

If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for in this section, feel free to contact us anytime.

If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for in this section, feel free to contact us anytime.

What is Mahalle App?

Mahalle App is a digital loyalty card application designed to help local businesses build stronger connections with their customers. Businesses can boost customer loyalty with rewards and discounts, such as "Buy X, Get Y" offers. By bringing neighborhood culture into the digital world, Mahalle App supports local communities and empowers small businesses to compete with the reward programs of large corporations. ✨

What is Mahalle App?

Mahalle App is a digital loyalty card application designed to help local businesses build stronger connections with their customers. Businesses can boost customer loyalty with rewards and discounts, such as "Buy X, Get Y" offers. By bringing neighborhood culture into the digital world, Mahalle App supports local communities and empowers small businesses to compete with the reward programs of large corporations. ✨

What is Mahalle App?

Mahalle App is a digital loyalty card application designed to help local businesses build stronger connections with their customers. Businesses can boost customer loyalty with rewards and discounts, such as "Buy X, Get Y" offers. By bringing neighborhood culture into the digital world, Mahalle App supports local communities and empowers small businesses to compete with the reward programs of large corporations. ✨

Do you offer a free trial?

Yes, we offer a free trial opportunity.

Do you offer a free trial?

Yes, we offer a free trial opportunity.

Do you offer a free trial?

Yes, we offer a free trial opportunity.

Is Mahalle App secure?

Yes, all data is securely protected using Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure, adhering to high-security standards. Subscription payments are securely processed either directly through App Store and Google Play or via the Iyzico payment infrastructure, depending on the business's preference. 🔒

Is Mahalle App secure?

Yes, all data is securely protected using Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure, adhering to high-security standards. Subscription payments are securely processed either directly through App Store and Google Play or via the Iyzico payment infrastructure, depending on the business's preference. 🔒

Is Mahalle App secure?

Yes, all data is securely protected using Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure, adhering to high-security standards. Subscription payments are securely processed either directly through App Store and Google Play or via the Iyzico payment infrastructure, depending on the business's preference. 🔒

What are the benefits of a digital loyalty program?

A digital loyalty program increases customer retention, encourages frequent visits to your business, and reduces customer acquisition costs. By eliminating the need for physical loyalty cards, it simplifies and speeds up transactions.

What are the benefits of a digital loyalty program?

A digital loyalty program increases customer retention, encourages frequent visits to your business, and reduces customer acquisition costs. By eliminating the need for physical loyalty cards, it simplifies and speeds up transactions.

What are the benefits of a digital loyalty program?

A digital loyalty program increases customer retention, encourages frequent visits to your business, and reduces customer acquisition costs. By eliminating the need for physical loyalty cards, it simplifies and speeds up transactions.

In which industries is Mahalle App successful?

Mahalle App can be effectively used in all industries requiring customer loyalty. It’s the perfect solution for coffee shops, restaurants, cafes, retail stores, hair salons, beauty salons, gyms, and many other local businesses. It excels in businesses where repeat customer visits play a crucial role.

In which industries is Mahalle App successful?

Mahalle App can be effectively used in all industries requiring customer loyalty. It’s the perfect solution for coffee shops, restaurants, cafes, retail stores, hair salons, beauty salons, gyms, and many other local businesses. It excels in businesses where repeat customer visits play a crucial role.

In which industries is Mahalle App successful?

Mahalle App can be effectively used in all industries requiring customer loyalty. It’s the perfect solution for coffee shops, restaurants, cafes, retail stores, hair salons, beauty salons, gyms, and many other local businesses. It excels in businesses where repeat customer visits play a crucial role.

How can I reward my customers with Mahalle App?

With Mahalle App, you can create customized reward programs for your customers. Set how many stamps are needed to unlock rewards, and offer them free products, discounts, or other exclusive benefits. It’s an easy and effective way to boost customer loyalty!

How can I reward my customers with Mahalle App?

With Mahalle App, you can create customized reward programs for your customers. Set how many stamps are needed to unlock rewards, and offer them free products, discounts, or other exclusive benefits. It’s an easy and effective way to boost customer loyalty!

How can I reward my customers with Mahalle App?

With Mahalle App, you can create customized reward programs for your customers. Set how many stamps are needed to unlock rewards, and offer them free products, discounts, or other exclusive benefits. It’s an easy and effective way to boost customer loyalty!

Can I change the loyalty program settings anytime?

Yes, you can change all settings, such as reward types and the number of stamps, at any time. However, keep in mind that these changes may affect your existing customers who are already using your loyalty program.

Can I change the loyalty program settings anytime?

Yes, you can change all settings, such as reward types and the number of stamps, at any time. However, keep in mind that these changes may affect your existing customers who are already using your loyalty program.

Can I change the loyalty program settings anytime?

Yes, you can change all settings, such as reward types and the number of stamps, at any time. However, keep in mind that these changes may affect your existing customers who are already using your loyalty program.

How does it work?

Sign up for Mahalle App and create your reward program. Choose how many stamps are needed for each reward. Your customers can download the app in just 15 seconds and show their QR code — no registration required! Simply scan the QR code, add the stamp, and start the reward process. It’s that fast! 🚀

How does it work?

Sign up for Mahalle App and create your reward program. Choose how many stamps are needed for each reward. Your customers can download the app in just 15 seconds and show their QR code — no registration required! Simply scan the QR code, add the stamp, and start the reward process. It’s that fast! 🚀

How does it work?

Sign up for Mahalle App and create your reward program. Choose how many stamps are needed for each reward. Your customers can download the app in just 15 seconds and show their QR code — no registration required! Simply scan the QR code, add the stamp, and start the reward process. It’s that fast! 🚀

How do customers collect stamps?

Customers show their QR codes from the Mahalle App to the cashier. The cashier scans the code and adds a stamp to the customer's account. That’s it! Fast, easy, and effortless

How do customers collect stamps?

Customers show their QR codes from the Mahalle App to the cashier. The cashier scans the code and adds a stamp to the customer's account. That’s it! Fast, easy, and effortless

How do customers collect stamps?

Customers show their QR codes from the Mahalle App to the cashier. The cashier scans the code and adds a stamp to the customer's account. That’s it! Fast, easy, and effortless

Can I add staff or new devices?

Yes, you can add your staff's phone or a new device. Newly added devices are limited to stamp-adding permissions only. Administrator accounts can easily track the stamps added from these devices.

Can I add staff or new devices?

Yes, you can add your staff's phone or a new device. Newly added devices are limited to stamp-adding permissions only. Administrator accounts can easily track the stamps added from these devices.

Can I add staff or new devices?

Yes, you can add your staff's phone or a new device. Newly added devices are limited to stamp-adding permissions only. Administrator accounts can easily track the stamps added from these devices.